Download from steam workshop directly
Download from steam workshop directly

download from steam workshop directly

Steam Workshop is a marketplace for community-made mods for various games on Steam.

  • If the download link is found, you will see a download button.
  • Wait for our Steam Workshop Downloader to find its download link.
  • Copy and paste the URL of the page here.
  • Find the workshop item you want to download.
  • This site can only download files whose download links are returned by the Steam API. Everything is served through the official Steam network. If the file isn't available to be downloaded anonymously, you are out of luck.ĭisclaimer: We don't host any copyrighted material ourselves. Simply enter the URL of the workshop item you want to download and let our downloader give you its download link. Ideally, it should be closer to your actual physical location, but feel free to experiment.Steam Workshop Downloader allows you to download anything from the Steam Workshop that is in the public domain and available to be downloaded anonymously. Then, use the pull-down menu under Download Region to change the default region.

    download from steam workshop directly

    Follow by switching to the Downloads tab. To do that, open the Steam menu and select Settings. Hence, try picking a different download region. Living in a region with high Stream traffic can impede downloads or even cause them to get stuck completely. Disable any active virtual private networks (VPNs).Pause any active downloads or video streams in other devices connected to the same network.

    download from steam workshop directly

    Pause any active downloads or video streams in other programs.Switch to a wired connection (if possible).Move your computer closer to the router or access point.If you notice unusually low speeds, try these fixes: Try using a speed checking service such as or to ensure that nothing’s wrong with your internet connection.

    Download from steam workshop directly